Friday, February 7, 2025

There was a post on IanVisits about step-free access to Barnes Station: here's my addition:

memories 2010: Barnes Station: a lot of young Tories with good teeth and cut-glass accents (YC central-casting?) had turned out to promote their candidate - Zac Goldsmith - on those very stairs.
I took a look at Companies House, found out his company was extremely late filing their accounts so wrote a letter of complaint to the local paper. But damn! His company filed their accounts within a week of my letter and there wasn't a hint of my complaint gracing their newspapers. Collusion? Dellusion? Illusion?
Anyways, that Zac done himself well, from nothing to Lord Whatchamacallit, and now quite fond of RobertKennedyJr.  
#AreYouSurprised? Me? No. He always struck me as a bit dim

For the non-Londoners/UK'ers:
1: 'YC central-casting': Young Conservatives. Old before their time. Daddy owns 'something' which they'll inherit.

2: Zac Goldsmith: a son of James Goldsmith, a notorious financier and asset-stripper, who was fiercely - unlike this son - against the EU and financed a party to leave it. Constantly sued Private Eye, so generally 'A Bad Person'.

3: Companies House: where all the details of companies in the UK - ownership, tax, shares, etc - should be filed, but is reliant on everyone being truthful. So yes, it doesn't work.

4: Collusion? Dellusion? Illusion?: The local paper had just been sold by the Dimblebys, who to anyone in the UK means two generations of safe but reliable journalism. They sold out to Reach, a disruptor, who have since destroyed local newspapers.

5: Zac was created a 'Lord' by Boris Johnson - and is now  titled "Baron Goldsmith of Richmond Park" - and has some power over all of the UK as a law-maker. But still as dim as fuck.

6. It used to be that the 'Lords' just signed themselves by their title, as "Radstock" or "Devonshire". I can only imagine the mirth of receiving a letter signed by "Richmond Park".